Awesoman: The man of the hour - Casey
Awesoman: Casey, Tator Tot and Craig
Awesoman: John and Jay
Awesoman: Kyle and Casey
Awesoman: Kyle and Casey drinkin'
Awesoman: Former BJ's co-workers Casey and myself
Awesoman: Kyle and the fridge
Awesoman: Kyle and Jay
Awesoman: Casey, Kyle and Jay
Awesoman: Jason, me and Christina
Awesoman: Me and Christina; who kind of looks like the girl on the cover of that VHS tape...
Awesoman: No one has a more eclectic video library than Craig
Awesoman: Chillin' in the living room
Awesoman: Chillin' in the kitchen
Awesoman: Yes, I'm pointing at the beer I'm drinking.
Awesoman: Jay, Reid and B.
Awesoman: B. and J.
Awesoman: Chillin' on the front porch
Awesoman: Christina and Casey
Awesoman: Christina, Casey and Craig
Awesoman: Me and Casey
Awesoman: Yum!
Awesoman: Kyle
Awesoman: John and Janna
Awesoman: John and Janna
Awesoman: Craig and myself
Awesoman: Me attempting to crush Casey with a piggyback ride
Awesoman: This must amuses me for no reason.
Awesoman: Casey doing a pull-up