Awesoman: Danny and James checking out some sweet porn
Awesoman: Jay watching the monitor during a rehearsal
Awesoman: Um, this one speaks for it self.
Awesoman: Danny holding up the most money he'll ever see in this career.
Awesoman: A "night-time" shot.
Awesoman: Frowny Kacie
Awesoman: Frowny Josh
Awesoman: Here's one way to clean your dirty compact discs.
Awesoman: The "star" getting his hair done. What a diva!
Awesoman: Homer and Yoda
Awesoman: Danny on the roof
Awesoman: Kacie, Jay and James holding the ladder for Danny
Awesoman: Me, after working all night with no caffiene in me...about to start a 10 hour shoot!
Awesoman: Jay ready to start his film!
Awesoman: Jay and Kacie
Awesoman: Kacie and Josh being ridiculous
Awesoman: Kacie having a little too much fun with that blanket.
Awesoman: I'm not sure exactly what the point of this shot is..
Awesoman: Jay from below
Awesoman: Coiling cables is always so much fun.
Awesoman: Kacie practicing her soon-to-be famous (infamous?) breakfast scene.
Awesoman: Kacie doing a handstand. (after like two tries)
Awesoman: Danny setting up lighting
Awesoman: Jay going over the script.
Awesoman: Part of the trippy sex scene?
Awesoman: Kacie having fun with shadows.
Awesoman: Kacie and Jay enjoying some homemade tuna salad.
Awesoman: Hotchi motchi!
Awesoman: The stars of this film, Kacie and Josh
Awesoman: This is the Jay we all know and love.