awdylanis: Sunrise Commute
awdylanis: "My heart is a flower that blooms every hour. I believe in the power of love" - #flower @am0slee
awdylanis: #sunrisecommute - that lingering smoke does make for some beautiful morning skies.
awdylanis: "...I wish I could lay down beside you when the day is done and wake up to your face against the morning sun... can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away." Perfect morning to rock out to @brandicarlile Cover Stories. Have definitely loved all 10 year
awdylanis: "There is a road, no simple highway Between the dawn and the dark of night" #ripple - Yoga Nidra, some #gratefuldead, and a beautiful #sunset walk. Whatever I can do to make this week start on a better path.
awdylanis: "Been train' hard not to get in trouble, but I got a war in my mind, so, I just ride..." #lanadelrey #ride #sunrisecommute
awdylanis: Another beautiful #sunrisecommute.
awdylanis: "Woke up this morning, smile with the rising sun..." -#bobmarley #sunrisecommute
awdylanis: Morning Fog
awdylanis: Sunrise Wavy Clouds
awdylanis: Expressway Sunrise
awdylanis: Sunrise Clouds
awdylanis: Sunrise Commute
awdylanis: Sunrise Expressway
awdylanis: Foggy Morning
awdylanis: Trees at Sunset
awdylanis: "Stay Gold Ponyboy"