awdylanis: Calliopsis (Black & White)
awdylanis: Delphinium Buds
awdylanis: Bachelor's Button from Below (Black & White)
awdylanis: Brown Anole
awdylanis: Dianthius Bud (Black & White)
awdylanis: Chrysanthemum Disk Florets
awdylanis: Garden Spider
awdylanis: First Strawberry of the Season
awdylanis: Crimson Clover (Color)
awdylanis: Bachelor's Button Flower Bud (Black and White)
awdylanis: Monarch Caterpillar on Milkweed (Black and White)
awdylanis: Green Lynx Spider on Milkweed Leaf (Black and White)
awdylanis: Large Milkweed Bug (Black and White)
awdylanis: Bachelor's Button
awdylanis: Flowers
awdylanis: Crimson Clover (Black & White)
awdylanis: Milkweed Flowers (Color)
awdylanis: Flower
awdylanis: IMG_9303-Edit.jpg
awdylanis: IMG_9292-Edit.jpg
awdylanis: Chrysanthemum Buds
awdylanis: Mexican Petunia
awdylanis: Blue My Mind Evolvulus
awdylanis: IMG_9382-Edit.jpg
awdylanis: Bee on Lavender
awdylanis: Rose Mallow
awdylanis: Spider on Web
awdylanis: Pentas
awdylanis: Monarch Butterfly Resting on Milkweed
awdylanis: Bee on Flower