Vryla: New Day With New Sun
Vryla: Lights and Shadows
Vryla: Winter Sky
Vryla: Persiste
Vryla: La vista de los Lirios
Vryla: Reflejos
Vryla: Nuevo y Viejo
Vryla: Acomplejado
Vryla: La Música del Silencio
Vryla: El Jardín Prohibido
Vryla: La Ventana Indiscreta
Vryla: The Observer
Vryla: Luceros
Vryla: 12. Coming back home
Vryla: 16. City Lights
Vryla: 18. Light Corridor
Vryla: 19. Valencia's Night
Vryla: 23. Extraños en un Tren
Vryla: 30. Black, orange and blue
Vryla: Solitude
Vryla: Alicante
Vryla: The Village
Vryla: The Palace
Vryla: Toledo
Vryla: Non Nobis, Domine...
Vryla: New Day
Vryla: Where the Greats Ones Rests
Vryla: Long Time Ago...
Vryla: Some Places Can Tell Stories...