Avrati1: Uma casa com cores de Portugal/ a building with colors of Portugal
Avrati1: Smoking? not allowed??? Fumar? não permitido?
Avrati1: Hanging colors
Avrati1: Way out to the light
Avrati1: O que está lá? What's up there?
Avrati1: Cozinha doce/ Sweet kittchen
Avrati1: Coelhinhos no Chez Lapin
Avrati1: Torre dos Clérigos under the nose
Avrati1: Tea, coffee , chocolate and.. pigeon
Avrati1: PORTUGAL's...
Avrati1: ...and shoes
Avrati1: Shoes and boots
Avrati1: The tram...
Avrati1: Playing..in the park
Avrati1: Shop in Oporto
Avrati1: Red is red
Avrati1: Coke & Sumol
Avrati1: Foliage...
Avrati1: S.João in Porto
Avrati1: Opening up!
Avrati1: Contrasts
Avrati1: Autumn in Oporto
Avrati1: No Palácio de Cristal
Avrati1: The Bridge
Avrati1: Where the leafes have a seat
Avrati1: The chat
Avrati1: Closer Look to the llines
Avrati1: Resting flower
Avrati1: Porto 24.Junho
Avrati1: 24.June in Oporto