avotiya: Just after the graduation
avotiya: Tired and "almost" happy
avotiya: Still discussing
avotiya: Papà is under thought pressure
avotiya: But then again, finally it's time to celebrate
avotiya: So, let's start with Uncle Nicola and Red Flowers
avotiya: Marco and Papà
avotiya: Relaxed and tired
avotiya: The happiest one
avotiya: Gabri and his Roma's colors
avotiya: Hello!!!
avotiya: Dark jacket guys
avotiya: Defending the thesis
avotiya: Look at the model please...
avotiya: Cleaning desk
avotiya: Friends
avotiya: After the official morning, relaxed smiles
avotiya: Zia Marina
avotiya: Brothers
avotiya: Grey Eyes
avotiya: Papà, Stefano, Marina, Giuseppe and Giampaolo
avotiya: Blue Brothers
avotiya: The happiest family
avotiya: Stepping out university for the last time!
avotiya: Stefano with Flowers
avotiya: Now like odiens
avotiya: She is a girl, Stefano is tall, that's the trick
avotiya: Again piccolina...
avotiya: Well, nobody is taller today...
avotiya: Cool brothers