avocadoh: muffin and miramilk
avocadoh: coffee with the beaner
avocadoh: looking out the window
avocadoh: NaBloShoeMo: Day 11 Bonus
avocadoh: NaBloShoeMo: Day 11
avocadoh: 3: self-portrait with the beaner
avocadoh: saturday morning
avocadoh: coffee & photos
avocadoh: 123: juice bar
avocadoh: two specials
avocadoh: 141: breakfasting at starbucks while we wait for our car to be fixed
avocadoh: spending the day with my silly kid
avocadoh: found on my phone
avocadoh: @ Joe
avocadoh: @ Joe
avocadoh: @ Joe. My kid is growing up.
avocadoh: Observing the buried bikes — Beware of falling icicles
avocadoh: Two cups of JOE to go
avocadoh: Eleven, Actually
avocadoh: After-hockey HubBub
avocadoh: He barely fits in the frame anymore (he’s taller than I am!)