avocadoh: apple domes
avocadoh: supplies
avocadoh: apple domes, close up
avocadoh: seedlings
avocadoh: seedlings
avocadoh: yellow
avocadoh: me over a bucket of dirt
avocadoh: turning the dirt
avocadoh: closeup of me, sideways
avocadoh: broom
avocadoh: pea sprout
avocadoh: volunteer strawberries
avocadoh: sugar snap peas
avocadoh: yellow pepper and volunteer strawberry
avocadoh: baby sugar bush watermelon
avocadoh: baby sugar bush watermelon
avocadoh: pepper seedlings in the garden
avocadoh: sad little tomato
avocadoh: beet seedlings
avocadoh: the dianthus that wouldn't die
avocadoh: tomato and pepper seedlings
avocadoh: gherkin seedlings
avocadoh: drowned plants
avocadoh: another beheading
avocadoh: garden hose, strawberry runner
avocadoh: patio orange (with spots) #1
avocadoh: chicken wire strawberry enclosure
avocadoh: patio orange (with spots) #2
avocadoh: czech's bush tomato, chicken wire cloche
avocadoh: peas