avocadoh: tom, suzanne, and gavin
avocadoh: gavin up high
avocadoh: reach
avocadoh: fairyland of fallen apples
avocadoh: gavin, grinning
avocadoh: tom and gavin, pulling the wagon
avocadoh: hayride
avocadoh: sharing snacks
avocadoh: way up high!
avocadoh: getting the picture
avocadoh: low-hanging fruit
avocadoh: box must fit under this bar when full
avocadoh: apple[s]
avocadoh: and more apples
avocadoh: M gives it a try
avocadoh: splash of red
avocadoh: M and mom #1
avocadoh: M and mom #2
avocadoh: crunchy!
avocadoh: somebody came prepared
avocadoh: hello!
avocadoh: punkins
avocadoh: the Otts
avocadoh: heading back to the weigh station