avocadoh: leaking fluids
avocadoh: 48 to nowhere
avocadoh: totaled
avocadoh: disconnecting the battery
avocadoh: collateral damage
avocadoh: parked
avocadoh: stretcher
avocadoh: surveying the aftermath
avocadoh: looking up 21st toward cherry
avocadoh: debris
avocadoh: sweeping up the mess
avocadoh: ground level
avocadoh: radio, ejected
avocadoh: rear window
avocadoh: debris from the latest accident at our intersection
avocadoh: and more debris
avocadoh: one down, three to go
avocadoh: the downed sign, and trashed vehicle parts
avocadoh: latest accident
avocadoh: the latest fender-bender
avocadoh: at this point they were pretty upset
avocadoh: pity the poor fools in the crosswalks
avocadoh: latest accident
avocadoh: out with the old
avocadoh: more effective than a sign or a light
avocadoh: I wanted to hug this man
avocadoh: the gap
avocadoh: victory!