avlxyz: Julian and MK playing basketball
avlxyz: Julian, MK, Isaac playing basketball
avlxyz: Liam, Jiung, Isaac, Julian with swords and aeroplanes
avlxyz: Kingsley and MK battling with light sabres
avlxyz: Liam watching Jiung and Isaac with aeroplanes
avlxyz: Isaac throwing an aeroplane to Julian, Jiung
avlxyz: Kingsley brought bubble tea and Magnum ice creams
avlxyz: Jiung brough sweet buns from Mama Bakery
avlxyz: Sandra made Nutella chocolate buns
avlxyz: Kingsley playing Summer from Kikujiro by Joe Hisaishi, Jiung with his saxophone, Jules
avlxyz: Julian watching MK play violin
avlxyz: Isaac playing flute, MK playing violin, Kingsley playing piano, Jiung playing saxophone
avlxyz: Kingsley playing Yiruma's RIver Flows in You 20240608_163318
avlxyz: Kingsley playing Summer from Kikujiro by Joe Hisaishi, Jiung with his saxophone 20240608_163442
avlxyz: Kingsley playing Summer from Kikujiro by Joe Hisaishi 20240608_163450
avlxyz: MK on the skateboard
avlxyz: MK on the skateboard, Julian on the powerwing scooter
avlxyz: Liam, Jules, Nick, Kingsley, Isaac, Jiung
avlxyz: Liam, Jules, Nick, Kingsley on their devices
avlxyz: Jiung, Isaac, MK, Julian on their devices
avlxyz: Nick, Jiung Kingsley, Liam, Jules, Isaac, MK, Julian playing Roblox and Boomerang-Fu 20240608_183304
avlxyz: Feng's new Gozney Arc pizza oven - cover
avlxyz: Feng's new Gozney Arc pizza oven
avlxyz: Feng's new Gozney Arc pizza oven - warming up at 24c
avlxyz: Mum bought kuih and curry puff from Malaysian Kueh Cafe, Doveton
avlxyz: Feng's new Gozney Arc pizza oven - almost ready at 310c
avlxyz: Feng's new Gozney Arc pizza oven - almost ready at 310c - side
avlxyz: Feng taking photos of the pizza setup
avlxyz: Kingsley and Jiung chatting to Feng about making pizza
avlxyz: Feng's foraged puffball and saffron milkcap mushrooms from Macedon Ranges