clickrseye: Watch-towers?
clickrseye: Darjeeling Morning
clickrseye: Illumination !
clickrseye: Mario's cloud!
clickrseye: Cow ahead!
clickrseye: To #Kurseong!
clickrseye: Sinless adaptation of surrounding!
clickrseye: Escalator
clickrseye: Blend
clickrseye: Forgotten
clickrseye: Tough day
clickrseye: Time shift
clickrseye: Divisible life !
clickrseye: Hideout
clickrseye: Decoration
clickrseye: Last one, perhaps !
clickrseye: Framed-Unframed
clickrseye: Shadowed
clickrseye: Unburnt
clickrseye: Scribbles
clickrseye: Deeds
clickrseye: Waves
clickrseye: An overcast day
clickrseye: Undefined..!
clickrseye: Wait isn't over..!
clickrseye: How often we get signaled green on such curve in life..!
clickrseye: Care-takers
clickrseye: Miles left behind..!
clickrseye: Miles to go ahead..!
clickrseye: Picking up random objects and keeping them with care in our childhood, eventually makes us grow as a person who values even the smallest qualities around. I love people who are able to value genuity over saleability.