AviPhila: "A Gaze Returned"
AviPhila: "Autumnal Feast"
AviPhila: "A Delicate Connection"
AviPhila: "Spotlit"
AviPhila: "An Odd Perch"
AviPhila: "Take Off (The Moment Before)"
AviPhila: "Behind the Gaze"
AviPhila: "Murky Reflections"
AviPhila: "Hunkering Down"
AviPhila: "Colors of Youth"
AviPhila: "Hidden Treasures"
AviPhila: "Variations" - American Robin (leucistic)
AviPhila: "On an Angle" - American Robin (leucistic)
AviPhila: "A Bold Singer" - Song Sparrow
AviPhila: "A Knotty Situation" - Song Sparrow perched on Knot Weed
AviPhila: Pine Warbler (male)
AviPhila: Eastern Bluebird (male) at Whitby Meadows
AviPhila: _V8A1532-Edit (3.26.24)-JPG(3)
AviPhila: "Surveying" - Eastern Bluebird (Female)
AviPhila: Hermit Thrush
AviPhila: "In the Thick of It" - Brown Thrasher
AviPhila: _V8A7185-Edit(BGGN, CCP--N Whitby, 5.8.24)
AviPhila: Common Yellowthroat, Cobbs Creek Park -- Little Whitby Meadow, June 2024
AviPhila: _V8A0352-Edit-(DOWO, CCP -- Little Whitby)(1)
AviPhila: _V8A0142-Edit(UNK, CCP -- Little Whitby, 5.31.24)
AviPhila: Song Sparrow, Cobbs Creek Park -- Little Whitby Meadow, June 2024
AviPhila: Eastern Wood Pewee, Cobbs Creek Park -- Little Whitby Woods
AviPhila: Baltimore Oriole, Cobbs Creek Park -- Little Whitby Woods
AviPhila: Brown-headed Cowbird, Cobbs Creek Park -- Little Whitby Meadow
AviPhila: Song Sparrow, Cobbs Creek Park -- Little Whitby Woods