David Trently:
Common Loon
David Trently:
Least Grebes
David Trently:
Black-capped Petrel
David Trently:
Cory's Shearwater
David Trently:
Dancing on the water
David Trently:
Anhinga 1
David Trently:
Anhinga 2
David Trently:
Great Blue Heron
David Trently:
Great Blue Heron nest
David Trently:
If you catch it, they will come
David Trently:
Marsh Sentinel
David Trently:
Tricolored Heron
David Trently:
Snowy Egret
David Trently:
Green Heron
David Trently:
Green Heron
David Trently:
Wood Storks
David Trently:
Can you see the ibis?
David Trently:
Black-faced Ibis
David Trently:
Black-necked Swan
David Trently:
Canada Geese at Blackwater
David Trently:
Pintail and Gadwall
David Trently:
Northern Pintail close up
David Trently:
Northern Pintail a
David Trently:
Northern Pintail b
David Trently:
Common Mergansers 1
David Trently:
Common Mergansers 2
David Trently:
Black Vulture 1a
David Trently:
Black Vulture 1b
David Trently:
Black Vultures 2
David Trently:
Black Vultures