averycross: "Player with DTLAttitude"
averycross: "DTLAttitude Adjustment"
averycross: "Double Victory at 8th and Figueroa"
averycross: "Magic at the 8th and Figueroa Dojo"
averycross: "Leading Lady in the Making"
averycross: "Business Up Front, Trouble in the Back"
averycross: "Diandre's Breaking More Than Boards"
averycross: "Look Who's Joining the Diavian Project"
averycross: "Di Avian Project"
averycross: "Descendant of Warrior Kings and Queens 1"
averycross: "A Raven Fearful Nevermore"
averycross: "Ready to Rockarate with Miss Jennifer"
averycross: "At the Dojo, Not the Disco"
averycross: "Energy on the 8-Track Line"
averycross: "Six o'Clock Rockarate Class"
averycross: "Thursday Night at the 8th and Fearless Dojo"
averycross: "Tiger Energy at the 8th and Fearless Dojo"
averycross: "Wild-Haired Warrior at the 8th and Fearless Dojo"
averycross: "Workout on the Double Twelve"
averycross: "Eighth and Fearless Dojo, December 1978"
averycross: "First American Split Story"
averycross: "Ana Stacia, Not Anesthesia"
averycross: "Azhley and The One Eleven Drill"
averycross: "Challenge for Devin"