Averain: The USS Iowa
Averain: Officers Mess
Averain: Refreshments Beneath the Guns
Averain: The Guns of the USS Iowa
Averain: USS Iowa Guns from the Front
Averain: Checking out the USS Iowa
Averain: Flags aboard the USS Iowa
Averain: Captains Stateroom on the USS Iowa
Averain: Bathtub on the Iowa
Averain: Wire Bundles on the USS Iowa
Averain: USS Iowa Long Corridor
Averain: Behind the 5 Inch Turret on the USS Iowa
Averain: 5 Inch Guns and San Pedro
Averain: USS Iowa Conning Tower
Averain: USS Iowa Helm
Averain: From the Conning Tower of the USS Iowa
Averain: Toward the front of the USS Iowa
Averain: Wiring Mess on the USS Iowa
Averain: USS Iowa Helm 2 of 2
Averain: View out of the Conning Tower Windows
Averain: Helm Door
Averain: Toward the front of the USS Iowa 2 of 2
Averain: USS Iowa Doors
Averain: HARPOON Fuel Leakage Instructions
Averain: Port of LA Cranes from the deck of the USS Iowa
Averain: Vincent Thomas Bridge from the USS Iowa
Averain: Steep Stairs
Averain: Guns and Container Ships
Averain: The Ever Conquest Container Ship
Averain: Mess Hall Doors on the USS Iowa