Avapi: Boy mouse
Avapi: Mouse's Profile
Avapi: Let's sit and chat
Avapi: Who's that?!!
Avapi: Introducing Kitty
Avapi: "Here kitty kitty!!"
Avapi: Sweety pie
Avapi: Baby bunny
Avapi: Bunny close up
Avapi: At an angle
Avapi: My little Pearl
Avapi: She shall be called "Pearl"
Avapi: Monkey eyeing out the cupcakes!
Avapi: Group photo
Avapi: Smile for the camera!
Avapi: My new baby monkey
Avapi: Do you like my new dress?
Avapi: Mousey in a corner
Avapi: Ribbon on pullover?
Avapi: Ribbon by ear?
Avapi: Naked mouse
Avapi: Two little brothers
Avapi: Spotty lamb - first steps
Avapi: Showing off my cardigan
Avapi: Little little lamb
Avapi: My new kitty
Avapi: First steps
Avapi: A Harvest Mouse
Avapi: Made for a friend
Avapi: The lads