Avantart / Wockensolle: Raekoja platsil in Tartu
Avantart / Wockensolle: the art museum of Tartu
Avantart / Wockensolle: 3 ladies at the art museum of Tartu
Avantart / Wockensolle: no Estonian would dress like this in November!
Avantart / Wockensolle: "commercial wool" in the shop
Avantart / Wockensolle: the haberdashery department in Abakhan
Avantart / Wockensolle: in the Abakhan shop
Avantart / Wockensolle: 35 cm of felt, please
Avantart / Wockensolle: colored sisal yarn in Abakhan shop
Avantart / Wockensolle: what a beautiful cardigan!
Avantart / Wockensolle: temporary exhibition on metal spirals jewelry through the times
Avantart / Wockensolle: strange wooden item in the shop
Avantart / Wockensolle: Museumsshop of the Eesti Rahva Museum