autrevie: Weir at Memorial Park, Sugar Land
autrevie: Weir detail at Memorial Park, Sugarland
autrevie: Canopy towers rope bridge
autrevie: Rope bridge at Santa Ana NWR
autrevie: Rope bridge at Santa Ana NWR
autrevie: Canopy towers rope bridge
autrevie: Perdido truss spar - tow out
autrevie: Perdido truss spar tow-out - 2
autrevie: Perdido truss spar, midsection
autrevie: Perdido truss spar, tow-out
autrevie: Monocolumn of Neptune SeaStar tension-leg platform hull
autrevie: Neptune SeaStar TLP hull maneuvers
autrevie: The brains behind azimuth thrusters, at Rolls Royce and Transocean
autrevie: Need to see a man about an azimuth thruster?
autrevie: Azimuth thrusters at Rolls Royce Pelican Island facility
autrevie: Azimuth thrusters at Rolls Royce Pelican Island facility
autrevie: Azimuth thrusters at Rolls Royce Pelican Island facility
autrevie: Cathodic protection for azimuth thruster housing
autrevie: Cathodic protection for azimuth thruster housing
autrevie: Fred Hartman Bridge, view from La Porte
autrevie: Fred Hartman Bridge, from La Porte
autrevie: Western/Clark's Grebe near Baytown bridge