autonome: musee d'orsay
autonome: DSC03219.JPG
autonome: musee d'orsay
autonome: security at the musee d'orsay
autonome: gladitorial victory
autonome: elephant
autonome: by the place with the stuff
autonome: les invalides
autonome: les invalides
autonome: cannon
autonome: the chapel at les invalides
autonome: mmm, truffles and foie gras at rue cler
autonome: rue cler
autonome: the tower
autonome: the tower 2
autonome: joining the osteopath protestors
autonome: osteopath protest under the tower
autonome: police presence
autonome: osteopath protest, fading away
autonome: yeah, it was damn cold up on the tower
autonome: what a view
autonome: far from the west coast
autonome: looking up into the tower
autonome: oooh sparkly
autonome: sparkly
autonome: the galerie lafayette
autonome: butterfly ladies with frogs on big balls
autonome: damn big tree
autonome: mmm, the food floor at the galerie lafayette
autonome: bright lights