Autistic Reality:
Capitol Visitor Center Platform of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Close-Up of Capitol Visitor Center Platform of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Inside Car of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Windows of Car of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Ceiling of Car of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Floor of Car of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
View from Car of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Additional View from Car of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Hart Office Building Lobby of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway
Autistic Reality:
Queuing Area in Hart Office Building Lobby of Dirksen/Hart Senate Subway