Autistic Reality: Close-Up of Carriage-Mounted Thirty-Six Pounder Carronade on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Mean Jeer Bits on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Ropes Wound around Pin Rail on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Row of Carriage-Mounted Thirty-Six Pounder Carronades on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Stair-Hatchway on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Carriage-Mounted Thirty-Six Pounder Carronade on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Covered Cabin Skylight on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: “Helloooooo, anybody home?” Abby asks from atop the covered cabin skylight on the Spar Deck of the USS Constitution.
Autistic Reality: Planking of Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: “It’s Abby go boom boom; it’s Abby go boom!” Abby the Hedgehog sings aboard the spar deck of the USS Constitution.
Autistic Reality: Alec Frazier on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Close-Up of Row of Carriage-Mounted Thirty-Six Pounder Carronades on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Stropped Single Block with Eye on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Butt End of Carriage-Mounted Thirty-Six Pounder Carronade on Spar Deck
Autistic Reality: Carriage-Mounted Thirty-Six Pounder Carronades on Starboard Spar Deck Looking Fore