Autistic Reality:
Memorial Hall from Southwest
Autistic Reality:
West End of Annenberg Hall on Exterior of Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Windows of Cloister on West End of Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Close-Up of South Side of Annenberg Hall on Exterior of Memorial Hall from Southwest
Autistic Reality:
Plaque Commemorating Restoration of Memorial Hall Tower
Autistic Reality:
Close-Up of Memorial Hall with Tower
Autistic Reality:
Detailed Close-Up of Memorial Hall with Tower
Autistic Reality:
Tower of Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Roof of Tower of Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Directory in Foyer of Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Memorial Transept Looking Northeast in Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Chandelier in Memorial Transept in Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Memorial Transept Looking North in Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Memorial Transept Looking Southwest in Memorial Hall
Autistic Reality:
Name of Robert Gould Shaw Listed on Plaque 12 in the Memorial Hall Transept
Autistic Reality:
Explanation Plaque in Memorial Transept in Memorial Hall