carterse: Winston at Waterplay
carterse: Olive and Winston wrestle
carterse: Winston's Portrait
carterse: Restaurant Counter Help
carterse: wetfaceball
carterse: Winston ill
carterse: winnyjump
carterse: Winston retrieves the news
carterse: Winston
carterse: ccard 004
carterse: Frisbee Catch
carterse: Wet Winston
carterse: Winston and Pups
carterse: Tibiall plateau leveling osteotomy
carterse: Please throw my ball
carterse: Winston & Ball
carterse: winstonball
carterse: Winston retrieving w/pups
carterse: Tennis Ball Mouth
carterse: Winston, still not grown
carterse: first dig fotos 008
carterse: Winston's Words
carterse: 3. I'll focus and wait.
carterse: Christmas Winston
carterse: 2. I'll make it easier for you
carterse: 2. in case you didn't notice
carterse: Winston
carterse: Winston
carterse: Winston getting sprayed
carterse: 1. Please throw my ball