Chef Austin: Jeff & Sarah's Engagement Dinner
Chef Austin: Green Tea Cake
Chef Austin: My dinner... after
Chef Austin: Dragon Roll
Chef Austin: My entree
Chef Austin: lens cap
Chef Austin: eye spy...
Chef Austin: Greatness
Chef Austin: Father & Son
Chef Austin: Look this way...
Chef Austin: Look mom...
Chef Austin: Wonderment
Chef Austin: Hello duck
Chef Austin: Uh... I dunno what kind of bird
Chef Austin: what are you looking at?
Chef Austin: 2 brothers and a friend
Chef Austin: Dead fish
Chef Austin: In flight
Chef Austin: Fallen...
Chef Austin: Fountain
Chef Austin: Picture 213
Chef Austin: And He shall be called...
Chef Austin: Perched
Chef Austin: Like fire...
Chef Austin: Malibu & Coke
Chef Austin: The same...
Chef Austin: Hi Kenny!
Chef Austin: what?!?
Chef Austin: My cat