AustinGohn: Greyer than usual.
AustinGohn: Sometimes Paris looks better sepia-fied.
AustinGohn: Eclipsed.
AustinGohn: Outspoken.
AustinGohn: A favorite moment.
AustinGohn: Joel 2.24
AustinGohn: Rays, rays don't go away.
AustinGohn: Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
AustinGohn: Purple Mountain
AustinGohn: Where I met the Ocean.
AustinGohn: Flower in wheat.
AustinGohn: Escape
AustinGohn: Paris, Mini.
AustinGohn: Need a Better Zoom (Read Description)
AustinGohn: Color.
AustinGohn: Biassa
AustinGohn: La Spezia
AustinGohn: Wispy