Au Snap: flash from the umbrellas not the rifle
Au Snap: high school friends meet in iraq
Au Snap: Self portrait and what is part of me daily
Au Snap: Sarah Conner?
Au Snap: stand strong
Au Snap: woman over the man... hole
Au Snap: up close and personal
Au Snap: The lighting is quite deceitful
Au Snap: what to wear?
Au Snap: choices and decisions
Au Snap: decisions! decisions!
Au Snap: just as i thought.... nice background
Au Snap: reflecting
Au Snap: see no, hear no, speak no, a what...
Au Snap: state of mind
Au Snap: Independance day in Iraq
Au Snap: Daddy's with you where ever he is
Au Snap: Hard at work
Au Snap: Caged cowboy 2
Au Snap: caged cowboy
Au Snap: This is the face i imagine of the person that out bids for the 135mm!!!! ARGH!
Au Snap: light test outake
Au Snap: my body guard
Au Snap: she stays strapped
Au Snap: gangsta in the bed
Au Snap: my favorite megan
Au Snap: Cook
Au Snap: creativity trapped, can't get out (tagged)
Au Snap: My better skill
Au Snap: Put you on the spot