seeingas: Cocos Island Rush Hour 1 - Copy - Copy
seeingas: Brown Booby Chick 1 - Copy
seeingas: Sharks 1 Cocos Island - Copy
seeingas: Shore Sharks Cocos Island 1 - Copy
seeingas: Sharks 2 Cocos Island - Copy
seeingas: Direction Island pano - Copy
seeingas: Butterfly fish and Humbugs 1 - Copy
seeingas: Green Jungle Fowl female a - Copy
seeingas: moved ?
seeingas: Nice Shell ......I might keep it as a souvenier
seeingas: White Tern of Cocos Island West
seeingas: Eastern Reef Egret from Cocos Island
seeingas: Cattle Egret from Cocos 2 - Copy