Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Dandelion with my #nikond3300 #dandelion #spring
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Foxglove today at #longwoodgardens
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Regal little tufted titmouse.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Blue jay looking up #bird #bluejay #nikond3300 #backyardbird
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: So fat. Soooo fat. Gotta quit feeding these guys. With my #NikonD3300.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: I like to take cool pictures of cool stuff. These are my beautiful green bean plants.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Dried up weed flower at Plotter kill #NikonD3300
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Leaves with my Nikon d3300
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Strategicly placed pigeon. Under the pier at Seal Beach. Took with our new Nikon 3300. Having fun with textures and shapes.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Under the pier at Seal Beach with our new Nikon 3300. Had fun with photos of various shapes and textures. Art took this particular one.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: These cherubs at St. John the Evangelist have always creeped me out.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Another statue at Vale cemetery
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Statue with a terrified looking child at Vale cemetery.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: This the the tailless squirrel who frequents my feeders. She had a dead tail for a while, but it clearly fell off.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: It's cold out. Stay fluffy my little friend.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Taking my own reference pictures of the beautiful gerbera daisies that I like to pretend I grew and didn't buy at Lowe's.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Random beach foliage #NikonD3300
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Teeny baby female downy woodpecker
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: The hell you lookin' at? #chickadee #NikonD3300 #backyardbird
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Went for a hike around the Albany Pine Bush preserve today. I totally need to come back here more often.