Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Hennaed my own palm tonight. I was already in that henna mood. This one is very... Busy. Not sure about it.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Henna on myself tonight. Heavily influenced by @maplemehndi Yes, this is Bridget's take on Bridgette. Her layout, more my elements... Kinda copied, but sorta not...
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: And henna on myself. Simple stuff.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Henna on my daughter tonight
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Had another great Henna gig at Union College tonight. Got to do some fun little pieces!
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Henna from tonight. Bottom right loosely based on a Jamilah Zebarth Asian-inspired design.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: More henna from last night. Yes, that's a rhino. There's a first....
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Nice simple design from last night's student event at Williams college. Last one of the night, I was so busy that it's the only one I had time to take a snapshot of.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Some of the quickly henna designs I did tonight at Union College.
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: In the mood for some more fezzi style henna on myself. Er, sort of fezzi...
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: Henna on myself to test some mystery cones that have been in my freezer a very very long time....
Bridget Punsalang- Henna and tattoo artist: And I figured why not do the top as well? Also semi-inspired by @maplemehndi