Samantha Cook: Looking Glass
Samantha Cook: Come What m a y
Samantha Cook: Just a Girl
Samantha Cook: B l i n k
Samantha Cook: It's All Behind Me
Samantha Cook: Upper Hand
Samantha Cook: O r t h r u s
Samantha Cook: sugar h i g h
Samantha Cook: s m i r k
Samantha Cook: black widow
Samantha Cook: i n c l e m e n t
Samantha Cook: better of two e v i l s
Samantha Cook: Christmas l i g h t s
Samantha Cook: in p e i c e s
Samantha Cook: hey there d o l l y
Samantha Cook: pollution
Samantha Cook: a mouth full of hair
Samantha Cook: tomorrow today
Samantha Cook: almost through the thicket
Samantha Cook: golden age of grotesque
Samantha Cook: strange i n f a t u a t i o n
Samantha Cook: what the world n e e d s now