Aurora_Di: S new shoes and walker
Aurora_Di: Exploring Outside
Aurora_Di: A kitty
Aurora_Di: Looking at tulips
Aurora_Di: Marina working in the sun
Aurora_Di: The girls in the sun
Aurora_Di: My new shoe
Aurora_Di: Warm weather Marina
Aurora_Di: S helping M with math
Aurora_Di: Working hard
Aurora_Di: Trying on Maria's sweatshirt
Aurora_Di: Butterfly
Aurora_Di: Butterfly2
Aurora_Di: Butterfly in the sun
Aurora_Di: S being fancy
Aurora_Di: S going back and forth
Aurora_Di: Funny face
Aurora_Di: a zipper
Aurora_Di: Where's Sophie
Aurora_Di: S whining
Aurora_Di: coming to get me
Aurora_Di: Roy hiding
Aurora_Di: Sophie Bunny