Aunt Owwee: January full moon
Aunt Owwee: mailboxreflectionweb
Aunt Owwee: proudmouseweb
Aunt Owwee: lurchanddoor
Aunt Owwee: kittens
Aunt Owwee: half the outdoor cats
Aunt Owwee: Sledding time
Aunt Owwee: heart tree
Aunt Owwee: lost heart
Aunt Owwee: cat castle
Aunt Owwee: 2ndfloor
Aunt Owwee: doorleftopen copy
Aunt Owwee: The cats in their castle
Aunt Owwee: snowman version 1
Aunt Owwee: Snowman version 2
Aunt Owwee: Snowman version 3
Aunt Owwee: exercise
Aunt Owwee: Punkin
Aunt Owwee: Mouse
Aunt Owwee: Lurch
Aunt Owwee: spring
Aunt Owwee: Garden cat
Aunt Owwee: wewillcomedown copy
Aunt Owwee: Lilacs tulip and apple blossoms
Aunt Owwee: IMAG2069
Aunt Owwee: IMAG2107
Aunt Owwee: the winter of 2013-14