haunted by Leonard Cohen: Proof of print!
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Media tear down in progress-Yes, we're open!
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Removing Media Shelves
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Ready for demolition
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Former Media/New Lab
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Brand Spanking New
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Sheer Madness
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Future Model Area
haunted by Leonard Cohen: New Media Home
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Media's Tidy New Home
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Oversize Model
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Mac Lab Transformed
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Former Student Open Lab Area
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Old Student Lab
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Construction
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Where's my tape measure?
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Laptop Desktop
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Original State of the Collection
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Warning Signs
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Nasty Beasties
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Template Instructions
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Template Measurements
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Stop and adjust!
haunted by Leonard Cohen: Permanent Stacks