Auntie P: Cardiff Aug08 003
Auntie P: Wall
Auntie P: Elegant Sufficiency
Auntie P: Poppy
Auntie P: Washing Line
Auntie P: Late Afternoon
Auntie P: Scales
Auntie P: Scales
Auntie P: Chain
Auntie P: Rust on Blue
Auntie P: Nail
Auntie P: Cardiff Aug08 475
Auntie P: Rusted
Auntie P: Sweetshop
Auntie P: Keeping a beady eye on Big Al
Auntie P: Lerlene's next project?
Auntie P: Collection
Auntie P: Lili
Auntie P: Harri
Auntie P: Seagull
Auntie P: In the Corner
Auntie P: Cardiff Aug08 007
Auntie P: Tethered
Auntie P: Dappled
Auntie P: Hooked
Auntie P: Green
Auntie P: Outside and In
Auntie P: Mugs
Auntie P: Earphones