Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Statue of Adam Smith - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Statue and Spire - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Roof tops - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Street art - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Street people - Piercings and beads - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Advocates Court entrance - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Street people - Harpist - Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - View along Royal Mile in Edinburgh
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Fife coast
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Boats - Pittenweem harbour
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Statuary in Edinburgh.
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Street people - Piper - Edinburgh.
Auld-Scunner: Scotland - Church - Edinburgh (2)