August Boehm: Lovely soft sand, ahhh!
August Boehm: The Blue Lake, Mt Gambier
August Boehm: The Blue Lake, Mt Gambier
August Boehm: The Blue Lake, Mt Gambier
August Boehm: The Blue Lake, Mt Gambier
August Boehm: The Blue Lake, Mt Gambier
August Boehm: Wind Farm
August Boehm: Wind Farm and cows
August Boehm: Vegetation along the south coast
August Boehm: The Bay of Islands
August Boehm: Seagulls frolicking
August Boehm: London Bridge
August Boehm: London Bridge
August Boehm: Loch Ard Gorge
August Boehm: Hello, I'm at a beach!
August Boehm: Loch Ard Gorge
August Boehm: Oh yeah, did I tell you the water's freezing?
August Boehm: Splash
August Boehm: AE82 at Apostles