August Boehm: Hiroshima Memorial Ceremony 2008 planet
August Boehm: Peace Memorial Park
August Boehm: 6th of August
August Boehm: 6th of August
August Boehm: A-bomb dome
August Boehm: IMGP1759
August Boehm: A-bomb dome birds
August Boehm: A-bomb debris
August Boehm: A-bomb debris
August Boehm: Hiroshima Ground Zero
August Boehm: A-bomb Dome sunset
August Boehm: A-bomb Dome sunset
August Boehm: Children's Peace Monument at Twilight
August Boehm: Floating lantern preparation
August Boehm: KIRIN
August Boehm: Floating lantern preparation opposite the A-bomb Dome
August Boehm: Floating lanterns of peace
August Boehm: A-bomb dome and floating lanterns
August Boehm: Peace floating lanterns
August Boehm: IMGP1892f
August Boehm: Peace Memorial Ceremony 2008
August Boehm: IMGP1401f
August Boehm: IMGP1404f
August Boehm: IMGP1407f
August Boehm: Atomic Bomb Dome
August Boehm: Paper cranes