augphoto: Northern Cardinal 7
augphoto: Chipping Sparrow
augphoto: Northern Cardinal 34
augphoto: Mourning Dove
augphoto: I'm The Man
augphoto: Watch Me Now
augphoto: Ah . . . You Go First
augphoto: Piebald Pair
augphoto: Eyelashes
augphoto: I Hear You
augphoto: Titmouse
augphoto: Hillbilly Ride
augphoto: Carolina Chickadee
augphoto: Chickadee VIII
augphoto: Heeheehee
augphoto: Bye!
augphoto: Chickadee
augphoto: You're Funny
augphoto: Eastern Bluebird on a Shepherd's Hook
augphoto: No Tail
augphoto: Christmas Snowman
augphoto: The March