y3rdua: shadows on my face
y3rdua: Shadow in the Sand
y3rdua: tattoo
y3rdua: mirror self
y3rdua: tattoo
y3rdua: tattoo
y3rdua: self
y3rdua: self
y3rdua: post third session
y3rdua: img_4760
y3rdua: Audrey and Jake
y3rdua: mirror self portrait
y3rdua: 4154_19A
y3rdua: self portrait at the edge of the world
y3rdua: self portrait at the edge of the world
y3rdua: Alice
y3rdua: self portrait at the edge of the world
y3rdua: tactile
y3rdua: a gesture of the shadow creates meaning
y3rdua: Alice, colored in
y3rdua: IMG_0464
y3rdua: Yerdua, the alien marionette
y3rdua: Yerdua
y3rdua: demonstration of the tripod squid
y3rdua: by the red light in the space ship
y3rdua: by the red light in the space ship
y3rdua: stripey self-portait under a streetlight in December
y3rdua: alone, in Praha
y3rdua: yerdua, in december, in a mirror