Audrey's photography:
Wildflower Meadow
Audrey's photography:
Water Lily
Audrey's photography:
Speckled Wood Butterfly
Audrey's photography:
Finding Beauty in Unexpected Places
Audrey's photography:
A Different Perspective
Audrey's photography:
A Rest from the Flight.
Audrey's photography:
Poplar Hawk Moth
Audrey's photography:
Blue Skies
Audrey's photography:
Just Bee-ing
Audrey's photography:
Mount Stewart #Flickr Friday#Buildings
Audrey's photography:
A Heron
Audrey's photography:
Afternoon Tea with a Indian Twist
Audrey's photography:
Mallard Duck
Audrey's photography:
A Grey Squirrel
Audrey's photography:
Red Admiral
Audrey's photography:
A Poppy
Audrey's photography:
Flower Beds
Audrey's photography:
Sentry Hill House
Audrey's photography:
Kitchen Entrance to Sentry Hill House
Audrey's photography:
A Marmalade Slicer
Audrey's photography:
Dining Room inside Sentry Hill House.
Audrey's photography:
The View
Audrey's photography:
Peacock Butterfly
Audrey's photography:
Small White Butterfly
Audrey's photography:
Audrey's photography:
Blackeyed Susan Flower
Audrey's photography:
Swan Lake
Audrey's photography:
Mrs Mallard and family
Audrey's photography:
Belfast Castle
Audrey's photography:
A Young Sparrow