John Bollwitt: Pretty Smoke Stacks
John Bollwitt: Fleet of official vehicles outside Olympic Village tent
John Bollwitt: Olympic Village ready to go
John Bollwitt: Olympic Village ready to go
John Bollwitt: Olympic Village ready to go
John Bollwitt: BC Place staging tents
John Bollwitt: Constructing another tent
John Bollwitt: Keeping out of BC Place
John Bollwitt: Space for rent during Olympics
John Bollwitt: Robson Square Festivities
John Bollwitt: Georgia Street Canada Flag
John Bollwitt: High-tech sign for Olympic Line at Olympic Village Station
John Bollwitt: BCIMC Presentation and Press Conference Area still getting ready
John Bollwitt: Happy family in front of countdown clock
John Bollwitt: Bunch of radio geeks in front of a clock
John Bollwitt: Granville Street with new lights
John Bollwitt: Birks Clock 2010
John Bollwitt: Canada's Northern House