John Bollwitt: Pepe in a box
John Bollwitt: Forbidden scone
John Bollwitt: Leaving KC
John Bollwitt: I-35 bridge over the Missouri River
John Bollwitt: Basketball at the Berndes Center
John Bollwitt: Best use of a t-shirt for a pillow case
John Bollwitt: Rocking out to Shrek's Super Party
John Bollwitt: My buddy Sprock
John Bollwitt: My old roommate, Bill
John Bollwitt: Kim's dog, Sprock
John Bollwitt: 24 pounds of bird
John Bollwitt: Mom kills the turkey for a second time
John Bollwitt: Hanging out with Zach
John Bollwitt: Getting my butt kicked at Madden '06
John Bollwitt: As seen in the Des Moines aiport
John Bollwitt: Walking to our gate in DSM
John Bollwitt: DSM on the dawn of Black Friday
John Bollwitt: Waiting at DSM
John Bollwitt: Cold morning at DSM
John Bollwitt: Downtown Des Moines in the distance
John Bollwitt: Hustle and bustle of ORD
John Bollwitt: Beer and MacBook in SEA