John Bollwitt: This kid's face is everywhere!
John Bollwitt: Automated ticket machines at the ferry terminal
John Bollwitt: Get your tickets when they're not open
John Bollwitt: Get your tickets when they're open
John Bollwitt: My comfort from needles?
John Bollwitt: Needles in the bathroom...
John Bollwitt: Worst... coffee... ever...
John Bollwitt: Gorgeous morning at the ferry terminal
John Bollwitt: It's almost like an airport, but with boats
John Bollwitt: Pause for pictures
John Bollwitt: Queen of Nanaimo in dock
John Bollwitt: Sunrise to the east
John Bollwitt: Walking the plank
John Bollwitt: Test your B.C. knowledge
John Bollwitt: Rebecca tries her B.C. knowledge
John Bollwitt: Running a rescue drill 1
John Bollwitt: Running a rescue drill 2
John Bollwitt: Running a rescue drill 3
John Bollwitt: Running a rescue drill 4
John Bollwitt: Running a rescue drill 5
John Bollwitt: Front and to the left of the ferry
John Bollwitt: Front and to the right of the ferry
John Bollwitt: The Queen of British Columbia in the pass
John Bollwitt: On deck at the back of the ferry
John Bollwitt: Queen of British Columbia going the other direction
John Bollwitt: Flag on the back
John Bollwitt: Remembrance Day ceremonies in front of the Parliament building
John Bollwitt: The past era of silent film
John Bollwitt: Bad for you, but fascinated by its marketing
John Bollwitt: The history of beers in B.C.