John Bollwitt: Shorty intros the panel discussion
John Bollwitt: Signs of the past
John Bollwitt: Crowd around the big guys
John Bollwitt: Under the new scoreboard 1
John Bollwitt: Off stage right
John Bollwitt: Off stage left
John Bollwitt: Stage is set
John Bollwitt: Scoreboard obsession
John Bollwitt: Under the new scoreboard 2
John Bollwitt: Zimmerman and Nonis in the pit
John Bollwitt: Crowds hurries to talk to Nonis and Zimmerman
John Bollwitt: Waiting for the start
John Bollwitt: Questions for the big boss men
John Bollwitt: Don Taylor
John Bollwitt: Scoreboard angle
John Bollwitt: Shorty intros Zimmerman and Nonis
John Bollwitt: Getting set for the panel discussion
John Bollwitt: Zimmerman and Nonis go on the level
John Bollwitt: Broadcasters rub elbows with GM and CEO
John Bollwitt: Stacey hanging out with Shorty
John Bollwitt: Dave Nonis gets questions from die hard fans
John Bollwitt: Chris Zimmerman talks shop
John Bollwitt: Opening panel members