John Bollwitt: Olympic things at the Vancouver Art Gallery
John Bollwitt: Olympic displays at the Vancouver Art Gallery
John Bollwitt: SE False Creek construction for Olympics
John Bollwitt: Ever see Gremlins?
John Bollwitt: $30 fuzzies
John Bollwitt: Staged limo of a diplomat
John Bollwitt: Ready to go
John Bollwitt: Lots of motorcycles
John Bollwitt: Long line up
John Bollwitt: Only public street near the village
John Bollwitt: Forms and supports
John Bollwitt: Can't see Science World anymore
John Bollwitt: Looking down the streets
John Bollwitt: New streets in the village
John Bollwitt: Remove earth by barge
John Bollwitt: Crews at work
John Bollwitt: Bringing in the cement
John Bollwitt: Overall shot from Cambie Bridge
John Bollwitt: Constant construction
John Bollwitt: Going up quick
John Bollwitt: Neighbors
John Bollwitt: Condos, yes, but it's the Olympic Villiage first
John Bollwitt: Olympic Villiage construction
John Bollwitt: Nice view
John Bollwitt: Intimidating
John Bollwitt: Bridge in the Olympic Villiage
John Bollwitt: Funky bridge in the Olympic Villiage
John Bollwitt: Working away while the boats play
John Bollwitt: Aquabus ducking through the action
John Bollwitt: Olympic Villiage Progress: Aug. 2008