Audentes: Gull Cruise II
Audentes: Forgotten
Audentes: Advice
Audentes: Fame II
Audentes: Scarier Movie
Audentes: Modern Sot Magazine
Audentes: Bubbles Magazine
Audentes: My creation
Audentes: Tobermory Harbor on Film
Audentes: Death of a Friend on Film
Audentes: Hockney'd Catch a Wave
Audentes: Hockney Growth
Audentes: Eagle Head Stamp
Audentes: Eagle Head Stamp (virgin)
Audentes: Hoodsport Hockney
Audentes: Mosaic Portrait
Audentes: Sage Advice for the engaged
Audentes: Self-Reliance, Wisdom (talk to the steel)
Audentes: Gourmet Ice Cream magazine
Audentes: NOVA
Audentes: Badge 2
Audentes: Nuances of Culture in America
Audentes: Parental Advice
Audentes: Perspective