eric.hart: Walking along the River Dulnain at start of walk
eric.hart: The wonderful mature pinewood - now heading onto the heather moor
eric.hart: The Archers Stone
eric.hart: The Archers Stone
eric.hart: The Archers Stone
eric.hart: The upper Dulnain strath. Looking south-east
eric.hart: Looking west
eric.hart: Wonderful wilderness spot. Looking towards Aviemore
eric.hart: West
eric.hart: Heading across the moor towards the Slochtd. The muirburn taking place to renew heather for grouse.
eric.hart: yuk. Necessary but i hate it as an athsmatic
eric.hart: Nearly at the turn-around point
eric.hart: On the Wade Road and Sustrans Route 7
eric.hart: On the Wade Road and Sustrans Route 7
eric.hart: Our route - between the distant hills and mid-ground hill
eric.hart: On the Wade Road and Sustrans Route 7
eric.hart: 2016-04-02 15.28.30
eric.hart: Time for a rest
eric.hart: but not for some
eric.hart: Sluggan Bridge over the River Dulnain
eric.hart: Richard
eric.hart: Sluggan Bridge
eric.hart: The River Dulnain from the top of the bridge
eric.hart: On top of Sluggan Bridge
eric.hart: Looking t'other way
eric.hart: The beautiful Sluggan Bridge
eric.hart: Heading back to the car