eric.hart: To Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Tree trunk poles as scaffolding
eric.hart: At Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Mangoes
eric.hart: At Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Ian inspects pepper vines
eric.hart: A sensitive plant - mimosa pudica
eric.hart: Nuwan's old Morris Minor
eric.hart: Nuwan's old Morris Minor
eric.hart: Tiny ants (see on wood) construct these mud 'nests' in trees
eric.hart: Pepper vine - the flowers hand on strings where the fruit form
eric.hart: Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Black peppercorns forming
eric.hart: Jack fruit
eric.hart: Mahogany trees
eric.hart: tea and biscuits at the house
eric.hart: Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Nuwan's plantation
eric.hart: Teak trees